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Love Yourself | Inspired by Kiley

Do you ever have moments when someone does something that completely rocks your world? That’s what happened for me when Kiley launched her Love Yourself week-long challenge. The challenge was to go one week without make-up and the goal was to spark a confidence that you don’t need make-up to be beautiful.

This Love Yourself challenge inspired me less because of the goal (which was admirable) and more because of Kiley herself. She is twelve years old. I don’t know about you, but twelve was not a time in my life I felt I completely confident in myself or my appearance. In fact, I often say that you couldn’t pay me to return to those middle school years. Kiley, at twelve, has figured out something that I still struggle with at times. The opinions of others does not matter, we must love ourselves.

After watching her confidence in launching the Love Yourself challenge, and participating with a make-up free day (selfie post included), I wanted to celebrate her. We got together for a photoshoot where I was further impressed by her confidence and beauty from the inside out.

Honestly, this session was not even about the photos. For me it was a way to celebrate a young woman facing the challenges of this world with confidence and positivity. She truly inspired me to look at how I face criticism or moments of self-doubt. She challenged me to find areas I can love myself more and criticize less. I feel motivated to not only love me, but to find ways to love others more.

I felt honored to photograph such an amazing young woman. I cannot wait to see how she continues to impact the world around her. She is a confident, driving force. In a society that seems to seek out the flaws in others, let us learn to celebrate our differences. Let it become normal to Love Yourself.

Thank you, Kiley, for being such an inspiration. Continue to Love Yourself.

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